CPHIOW Webinar Information

Community Pharmacy Hampshire & Isle of Wight organises webinars to help all contractors and staff stay up to date


In these challenging times, it has never been more important for community pharmacy and those involved in healthcare service provision to develop their capabilities and ensure they can be the best they can be. 

  • Understand the important issues in community pharmacy affecting you locally
  • Have a sustainable and vibrant community pharmacy sector
  • Create a two-way dialogue between you and us, so that we can support you better
  • Provide an opportunity for you to network and collaborate to build your capabilities for the future
  • Support the effective implementation and delivery of medicines supply and pharmacy services
  • Optimise care for our patients


  • Meeting dates and arrangements to be communicated to all pharmacies and on CPSC website
  • Meetings which are engaging, motivational and positive
  • Development which will allow you to practically implement changes in your pharmacy with the whole team
  • To be involved in future meeting content development to include CPSC and ICB updates
  • Meeting outcomes to be captured and communicated within two weeks of the meeting by posting on our website

Our Webinar series is being supported by Hampshire-based pharmacy training specialists, Pharmacy Complete

Look out for the dates in the CPHIOW Academy Events calendar and book in now to fully benefit from this development opportunity. We do hope that you enjoy attending the Webinars and that they facilitate you being able to work at the top of your profession more of the time.

Webinars held and planned:

    ** Event details can be viewed immediately below and include:

  • Registration instructions for the forthcoming webinar and access to on-demand recordings of past webinars

Registration for the next event:

On-demand recordings available:

Earlier on-demand recordings are available on the following CPSC website page:

  • https://cpsc.org.uk/news/COVID-19
  • Please scroll down the page to the 'CPSC Academy webinars' section, then open the appropriate drop down boxes for the information.


2020 - 2021

Purpose of the event:

These weekly webinars temporarily replace the face to face CPSC Academy events originally planned for May.

They provide local support and advice for our pharmacy contractors. The events are provided by CPSC and our local training expert partner Pharmacy Complete.

Community pharmacy is at the frontline of the NHS committed to provision of medicines, care and advice whilst facing unprecedented demand and under extreme pressure. CPSC will do everything we can to support you and ensure you receive relevant, practical and accurate information about COVID-19.

There is now so much information coming out about COVID-19 that it is difficult to find the time to know where to look. We are therefore running these weekly webinars to pull information together in one place in a half-hour weekly briefing.

Purpose of the event:

The webinars are continuing to run for all contractors, community pharmacists and their teams as a replacement to the face to face CPSC Academy events originally planned for September.

We had been running weekly webinars throughout April and May, but have now decided to move to fortnightly updates as we enter the next phase of the pandemic. This will however, be reviewed depending on the pace of change in all things impacting on pharmacy - as we all know the picture is forever evolving, so we will review this accordingly.

We remain committed to ensuring you have all the latest information quickly in one place, that you know where to find out more and understand the impact on you. We will also continue to use the questions and points of concern you raise during the live events to raise with local commissioners and feedback to PSNC as appropriate. We will continue to send our our weekly newsletter and keep our COVID-19 hub page updated. 

Community pharmacy is at the frontline of the NHS committed to provision of medicines, care and advice whilst facing unprecedented demand and under extreme pressure. CPSC will do everything we can to support you and ensure you receive relevant, practical and accurate information about COVID-19.

There is now so much information coming out about COVID-19 that it is difficult to find the time to know where to look. The webinars help to pull information together in one place in a concise half-hour briefing.

Purpose of the event:

The webinars are continuing to run for all contractors, community pharmacists and their teams as a replacement to the face to face CPSC Academy events originally planned for November.

We are continuing to run fortnightly webinars whilst we remain affected by this pandemic. This will however, be reviewed depending on the pace of change in all things impacting on pharmacy - as we all know the picture is forever evolving, so we will review this accordingly.

We remain committed to ensuring you have all the latest information quickly in one place, that you know where to find out more and understand the impact on you. We will also continue to use the questions and points of concern you raise during the live events to raise with local commissioners and feedback to PSNC as appropriate. We will continue to send our our weekly newsletter and keep our COVID-19 hub page updated. 

Community pharmacy is at the frontline of the NHS committed to provision of medicines, care and advice whilst facing unprecedented demand and under extreme pressure. CPSC will do everything we can to support you and ensure you receive relevant, practical and accurate information about COVID-19.

There is now so much information coming out about COVID-19 that it is difficult to find the time to know where to look. The webinars help to pull information together in one place in a concise half-hour briefing.

Purpose of the event:

The webinars are continuing to run for all contractors, community pharmacists and their teams as a replacement to the face to face CPSC Academy events originally planned for February.

We are now running monthly webinars whilst we continue to remain affected by this pandemic. This will however, be reviewed depending on the pace of change in all things impacting on pharmacy - as we all know the picture is forever evolving, so we will review this accordingly.

We remain committed to ensuring you have all the latest information quickly in one place, that you know where to find out more and understand the impact on you. We will also continue to use the questions and points of concern you raise during the live events to raise with local commissioners and feedback to PSNC as appropriate. We will continue to send out our weekly newsletter and keep our COVID-19 hub page updated. 

Community pharmacy is at the frontline of the NHS committed to provision of medicines, care and advice whilst facing unprecedented demand and under extreme pressure. CPSC will do everything we can to support you and ensure you receive relevant, practical and accurate information about COVID-19.

There is now so much information coming out about COVID-19 that it is difficult to find the time to know where to look. The webinars help to pull information together in one place in one single briefing.

    ** Substituted event details can be viewed on the following CPSC website page and include:

  • Access to on-demand recordings of past webinars
  • 'Resources directory' providing links for topics discussed during all past webinars​


Purpose of the event:

  • Peer review is a key element of revalidation for registered pharmacists and pharmacy technicians in 2019 and beyond
  • In this workshop we will guide you through the requirements for peer review, connect you with a peer and facilitate a peer review
  • We will provide some hints and tips on coaching conversations, what a good review looks like and the opportunity to complete your actual peer review on the night
  • The focus for this will be around our key role in patient safety

Purpose of the event:

  • Too often and for too long, community pharmacy has practiced in isolation outside of core primary healthcare and public health
  • The health and care landscape is changing rapidly through transformation and integration programmes and community pharmacy must adapt accordingly; integration is a key focus for the NHS
  • Those who have established effective professional relationships with other health and care providers and local commissioners have benefited from doing so. This does not happen by itself but comes from an understanding of local needs and building trust and relationships with others
  • This workshop will explore how to develop productive relationships with others, build trust and network through effective communication, leadership and demonstrating the right capabilities and intent

Purpose of the event:

To ensure you know:

  • why delivery of the CPCF is critical for community pharmacy’s future
  • what has changed and what has not:
    • short summary of key elements
    • priorities
    • timeline
  • how to plan and implement delivery (workshop session and shared learning and ideas)
    • PQS - quick summary with a hand out (Alison Freemantle summary) and revisit importance of local collaboration and engagement
    • MURs - deliver while we have it to maximise income and benefits with focus on the 2 targets
    • NMS - embed in practice and utilise TCAM
    • CPCS - key elements
  • the key enablers
    • workforce and delegation
    • engagement with others
    • premises/environment

Purpose of the event:

As the community pharmacy contract changes you will be required to deliver more services in addition to dispensing, frequently with the same or less resource.

The February CPSC Academy series explores HOW you can do this safely and effectively by:

  • using the skills of the pharmacy team
  • improving productivity
  • releasing time through operational efficiencies

Come along to network and learn from others to help build resilience and feel less stressed.


2018 - 2019

Purpose of event:
  • Understand why addressing medicines-related harm is so important
  • Know what your local GP Practices are doing to reduce medicines most likely to cause harm and how you can help (PINCER)
  • Keeping patients safe – the importance of mindset and culture (what can we learn from the aviation industry)
  • The impact of medicines-related harm; personal experiences
  • Why and how medicines-related harm occurs – prescribing, dispensing and patient-initiated
  • Practical ways to improve patient safety in your own pharmacy
  • How to complete your QPS Patient Safety report
  • What to do if an error occurs
  • Have a simple action plan to implement with your team
  • Complete a Revalidation CPD entry

An excellent evening and great start to the Academy series of events. Tools referred to and shared post event were:

A PINCH tool - useful for remembering key high risk medications

Blank Fishbone tool - useful for drilling down the 'Why' questions to determine root cause of issues and help action planning

Purpose of the event:
  • Be more confident to have conversations about potentially difficult topics
  • Make a difference to someone that they truly appreciate
  • Think differently about how you engage with people to support them to make a change
  • Obtain a recognised qualification*
  • More evidence for your HLP portfolio
  • Improve your customer’s experience leading to higher retention, greater loyalty and customer advocacy
  • Reduce stress about the role you play in supporting your patients/customers
  • Complete a Revalidation CPD entry; this learning is a great topic for Revalidation and we will guide you through how to do this.

Purpose of the event:

  • Achieve your RSPH MECC accreditation [for those who attended in September and completed the e-learning modules]
  • A certificate of attendance will be available for those who have not undertaken the first module [we recommend you complete the e-learning modules prior to attending]
  • Complete a Revalidation CPD entry; this learning is a great topic for Revalidation and we will guide you through how to do this
  • Further consolidate your learning, developing skills in asking Open Discovery Questions to help move the conversation on so that an individual is more likely to implement a change.

Purpose of the event:

  • Understand more about common mental health conditions to be more mental health aware
  • Know how to signpost to local services and resources that enable people to help themselves
  • Develop the skills and confidence to work support others, including work colleagues
  • Learn how to support people in distress for example, those at risk of suicide, who have been bereaved, are having a panic attack or may be self-harming