Health Champion fully funded support from Health Education England and Pharmacy Complete

Written by admin on Friday 12th February 2021

Opportunity for free Health Champion places available for CPSC locality pharmacies

A variety of resources available to help enable your pharmacy to achieve its full potential


Update: March 2021 

Health Education England have agreed to increase the number of places available to each pharmacy from one to three health champions. This is an excellent opportunity to upskill your team as well as future proof for possible succession or churn within the team.

** Limited places – enrol early to secure your funded course **

The Health Education England (HEE) South East Schools of Public Health and the HEE South School of Pharmacy are working with the South East LPCs in offering fully funded Health Champion training to Community Pharmacies. This offer covers areas of the South East including Buckinghamshire, Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, Kent, Surrey and Sussex, and Thames Valley. 

Healthy Living Pharmacy banner.jpeg                HEE logo.png

Why is this important to you?

Being a Healthy Living Pharmacy (HLP) and meeting all the criteria is an essential requirement of the community pharmacy contractual framework from 1st January 2021. All pharmacies must complete and maintain the HLP requirements. Every HLP requires a minimum of a full-time-equivalent (minimum 35 hours) qualified Health Champion who has attained the Royal Society for Public Health’s Level 2 Award in Understanding Health Improvement. An HLP also requires an HLP Leader who has undergone a recognised leadership development programme that meets the competency requirements.

Health Education England (HEE) recognises the difference HLPs can make to the health and wellbeing of their communities and are fully funding a number of Health Champion distance-learning courses with in-pharmacy assessment. The training is provided by the award-winning HLP specialists Pharmacy Complete.

Who should become a Health Champion?

The Health Champion role should be undertaken by a member or members of the public-facing healthcare team, usually a Healthcare or Medicines Counter Assistant. 

What conditions are there for the funded course?

  • Maximum of 3 Health Champions learner per pharmacy*
  • Training and assessment should be completed within 8 weeks of receipt of workbook (unless mitigating circumstances)
  • If an individual does not pass the RSPH assessment, then they can retake with a cost of £37 + VAT to the contractor pharmacy
  • Should there be a breach of invigilation requirements, then the candidate can retake their assessment. The contractor pharmacy will be charged £52.00 + VAT for this retake
  • The number of funded courses available is capped based on the number of contractors in each LPC area on a first come, first served approach
  • This opportunity is only for contractors in these LPC areas: Buckinghamshire, Community Pharmacy South Central, Kent, Community Pharmacy Surrey and Sussex, and Pharmacy Thames Valley.  

Where can I access more information?

More information can be found on a programme webpage and in a short video on the following Pharmacy Complete website page: 

How can I enrol a learner?

To enrol your learner for the Health Champion course please complete their details on the following online form:

Enrolled learners will be sent an engaging workbook and information to complete their self-directed training and assessment. This includes access to an online mock assessment ahead of requesting the full invigilator pack. The RSPH assessment is paper-based and taken in the pharmacy, invigilated by a GPhC registrant.

* Pharmacies wishing to train more than three members of your team

Pharmacy Complete are offering a preferential price for additional Health Champion courses and their HLP Leadership course to all contractors in these LPC areas. To benefit from this, go to their webshop  and use the following coupon code on check out: 'LPC10'