UK Commission on Pharmacy Professional Leadership

Written by AlisonFreemantle on Friday 19th August 2022

Call for evidence

The commission has launched a Call for Evidence to inform and develop its work. Please take part and share your views on pharmacy professional leadership.

The commission has been created by the 4 Chief Pharmaceutical Officers of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland to produce recommendations for the future of pharmacy professional leadership.

Significant changes will impact on pharmacists and pharmacy technicians now and in the future. The profession needs to be equipped and enabled to develop through sharing and learning from best practice.

Join the webinar

Find out more about the Commission’s work and the Call for Evidence at a webinar with the Chief Pharmaceutical Officer. For more details, please see the link below:


The survey should take approximately 15 mins to complete and is open until 16th September 2022. There is an option to remain anonymous.