REMINDER: Dementia Friendly Pharmacies Framework

Written by admin on Friday 18th January 2019

There's still plenty of time for all remaining non-accredited community pharmacies to attain Dementia Friendly status. Deadline for 31st March 2019. If you didn't complete last year, please read on for more details....

NHS England is remunerating £400 to each pharmacy that successfully completes the Dementia Friendly Pharmacy Framework. To be eligible for this then your pharmacy must complete the self validation on PharmOutcomes before 31st March 2019.

** Some pharmacies missed the deadline last year for completing the whole framework. If this was the case for your pharmacy, then all you need to now do is complete the sections previously missed, review what you have already completed and then submit to receive the funding missed out on previously. **

If you attended the Engagement event, then there's another £100 that can be claimed per pharmacy. If you missed the event, don't worry; it's still possible to be accredited by successfully completing the 'Dementia Friendly Framework' self validation on PharmOutcomes before 31st March 2019.

Following the submission deadline of 31st March 2019, NHS England will complete random validation visits to pharmacies that have submitted a declaration on PharmOutcomes.

Details of the Framework are shown below: (There is also an electronic version available on PharmOutcomes)

Becoming “dementia friendly” will help you support your patients. A copy of the framework is attached for your information.

We hope you will find this an interesting and beneficial initiative for both yourself and your patients and we recommend registering for the event as soon as possible.