NHS text alerts for the COVID jab

Written by admin on Friday 19th March 2021

The NHS will text people inviting them to book their life saving COVID jab, making it quicker and more convenient to get an appointment


Almost 400,000 people aged 55 and over and 40,000 unpaid carers will be the first to get a text alert inviting them to book a slot as part of the latest development in the NHS vaccination programme.

The messages will include a web link for those eligible to click and reserve an appointment at one of more than 300 large-scale vaccination centres or pharmacies across England. 

Reminders will be sent 2-3 weeks after the original alert to encourage people to get their vaccine if they have not taken up the offer.

Texts will arrive in advance of the standard letter, meaning if the trial is successful the solution could enable the NHS to react faster to changing vaccine supplies and fill appointments quickly.

Further information can be read on the following NHS England website page:

NHS website logo.jpg