Latest issue of Hampshire & IOW Medicines Optimisation Bulletin

Written by AlisonFreemantle on Friday 24th February 2023

Issue 80 Provided by Hampshire & Isle of Wight ICB

The latest bulletin contains information on the following:

  1. Edoxaban - Caution when initiating prescribing for deep vein thrombosis (DVT) or pulmonary embolism (PE)
  2. MHRA: Metolazone 5mg tablets (Xaqua): exercise caution when switching patients between preparations
  3. MHRA:Topical testosterone (Testogel): risk of harm to children following accidental exposure
  4. Adding drug allergy status to clinical systems
  5. Medicines Optimisation pages on Hampshire and Isle of Wight ICS website
  6. HIOW Formulary reminder: Enteric coated (EC) aspirin
  7. HIOW Formulary updates: Dienogest and Actimorph
  8. Group A Streptococcus - reinstatement of NICE guidance
  9. Cardiovascular disease: risk assessment and reduction, including lipid modification
  10. SPS: Vitamin D- Monitoring of patients on treatment doses
  11. Hay fever season and the promotion of self-care
  12. GP Evidence

Download the bulletin here for more information and links: