Diabetes UK Survey: Tackling Inequality

Written by AlisonFreemantle on Friday 3rd March 2023

Are you currently or have you been involved in any work aimed to improve outcomes for those at risk of health inequalities in diabetes in your community pharmacy?

Diabetes UK are looking for examples to discuss as part of their Tackling Inequality work. Fill in their survey and help them understand how to support you.

Diabetes UK has launched a Tackling Inequality Commission to view the multiple factors that contribute to health inequality through the lens of those most at risk of inequality in diabetes, namely those living in deprivation as well as Black and South Asian communities.

They are looking for examples of work from those with lived experience, alongside health inequality experts and those working on the healthcare frontline to find some practical recommendations to narrow the gap in outcomes for those living with diabetes.

They want to understand the factors that allow projects to succeed and where there are barriers, as well as looking for evidence of what works best. They are doing this through a survey in partnership with NHSE and want to make sure work going on in community pharmacy is included as this is such an important part of the care pathway.

The NHSE Inequalities in Diabetes Working Group – led by Dr Shivani Misra, will also use the data from the survey to form part of their report.

If you have any questions about the survey or the Commission or would like to chat about other evidence you think should be included then please email inequalitycommission@diabetes.org.uk.

The survey will close on 17th March.

Complete the survey: