CPE Price Concessions Webinar

Written by AlisonFreemantle on Friday 4th August 2023

Tuesday 5th September at 7pm

Community Pharmacy England are running a webinar on price concessions to help to explain how the concessions system works and what happens when pharmacy owners report increased prices to them.

The webinar will explain more about how concession prices are reached and allow you to raise your concerns. Objectives of the session include to:

  1. Explain the current issues and pressures in the medicines market;
  2. Demystify the process on how price concessions are granted;
  3. Outline how you can input and what happens when you report an item over Drug Tariff price;
  4. Explain the impact of price concessions on overall funding;
  5. Set out CPE’s ongoing concerns and calls for improvements in the system;
  6. Update you on the package of measures to improve the current system; and
  7. Answer your questions and hear your feedback.

You can submit questions ahead of time by emailing them to dst@cpe.org.uk 

Sign up the webinar here