Business Development Programme available from Pharmacy Complete

Written by AlisonFreemantle on Friday 15th July 2022

Reset and Recover is aimed at owners of pharmacies who are looking to develop their own business plan but unsure where to start

The Pharmacy Reset and Recover Programme helps pharmacy owners and managers apply a systematic approach with an emphasis on visibility (knowing where you are now), gaining control (knowing where you want to be) and building agility (knowing how to change the things that will make a difference). It has been designed by pharmacists for pharmacy utilising experience of owning and running community pharmacies and other businesses.

The programme takes you step-by-step through a comprehensive and practical process. The modules are delivered as seven webinars available on-demand so you can work at your own pace. Practical templates and resources are provided to enable you to plan and then implement changes relevant to your business.

For more information about this programme visit: