Access to CHIE (The Care and Health Information Exchange), Hampshire and the Isle of Wight’ shared care record

Written by AlisonFreemantle on Friday 4th February 2022

Now available to ALL registered pharmacists working in community pharmacies across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight

What is CHIE?

The Care and Health Information Exchange (CHIE) is a secure system which shares health and social care information between GP surgeries, hospitals, community and mental health, social services and others. CHIE helps professionals across Hampshire, the Isle of Wight and surrounding areas provide safer and faster treatment for patients. To protect patient privacy and confidentiality, only health and social care professionals who are involved in the care of that patient are allowed access to CHIE.

How do I access CHIE?

Access to CHIE for community pharmacists is provided via a web portal and consists of a 2-step process called Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). This involves entering a username and password and entering a code sent to an app on your mobile phone.

Access is issued to individual pharmacists on a request basis, providing that you and your main employing organisation meet the following criteria:

  1. The pharmacy is compliant with the Data Security and Protection Toolkit (DPST) and can confirm the level achieved (e.g. registered, standards met)
  2. The person that requires access is a registered pharmacist

The information sheet provides further details on how to get an account and what to do in preparation for getting an account and using CHIE. Please note, when completing your Acceptable Usage Agreement you ARE the clinican and do not need to get validation: